Scuba Divers Recover Woman’s Antique Wedding Ring

An English woman has been reunited with her 100-year-old wedding ring after she lost it in a river.
Last Saturday, 14 May, Emma Lyon of Bedford, England had been attending a regatta at the River Great Ouse when she lost the ring, which belonged to her grandmother.
“We’d just spotted a local crew, and I was cheering and clapping vigorously when all of a sudden, the ring flew off my finger and arced into the river,” Lyon explained to a local media outlet.
“It all seemed to happen in slow motion and although the boys won their race, the ring was lost.”
The following day, a devastated Lyon told her friend, who suggested that she contact the Bedford Scuba Divers club. To her surprise, the club was quick to respond: Mags Martin, the assistant training officer, immediately arranged the mission via a Whatsapp group.
On Monday evening, 16 May, the scuba divers spent a considerable amount of time combing the waters of the river; later, they finally came upon the ring.
“The divers were absolutely amazing!” Lyon said. “I am just so, so grateful to everyone from the scuba club who gave up their evening to help out and cannot believe [they were] able to find it. It was a total miracle.”
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